I was surfing the net today when I came across this site where you could find out what would be your name in chinese....I found it to be pretty cool....all that you need to do is enter your first and last name along with your desired essence of the name ( I entered mind and intelligence), gender and your date of birth...click enter and Voila!! you have your brand new chinese name!!
According to this site my name in chinese would be: TAI SHU TOU!
The URL to site is : http://www.mandarintools.com/chinesename.html
So go on and get a name!!!
Till the next post take care...
Tai Shu Tou!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What's in a name??
What's in a name wrote Shakespear but I would like to disagree.
A name to me represents an identity, a personality. It brings to us an image of the person, whenever we comes across a particular name....and that is why we love some names, are indifferent towards others or simply abhor some of them ...As far as I'm concerned I simply love my name no matter in what language -then be it SIDDHARTH (english) or सिद्धार्थ (hindi) or ಸಿದ್ಧಾರ್ಥ್ (kannada) or സിദ്ധാര്ത് (malayam) or சித்தர்த் (tamil) or సిద్ధార్థ్ (telgu) ....well Siddharth is sanskrit word that is made up of two words सिद्ध (having found out) and अर्थ (the definition) thus Siddharth means somebody who has discovered all the meanings of this world.
Some people also spell Siddharth as Siddhartha...
Well interestingly Siddharth was also the name of Lord Buddha.....the founder of Buddhism.
I must add that until a few years ago Siddharth used to be a rare name i.e. one did not come across a lot of people named Siddharth but now I regularly meet people who are my namesakes....probably it is because people named Siddharth are uber cool.....hehe.. sorry for the bad joke!!
Anyways....A Name is a Name is a Name..... with due apologies to Mr. Shakespear and all of those to support him on this!!!
anyways take care and god bless!!
A name to me represents an identity, a personality. It brings to us an image of the person, whenever we comes across a particular name....and that is why we love some names, are indifferent towards others or simply abhor some of them ...As far as I'm concerned I simply love my name no matter in what language -then be it SIDDHARTH (english) or सिद्धार्थ (hindi) or ಸಿದ್ಧಾರ್ಥ್ (kannada) or സിദ്ധാര്ത് (malayam) or சித்தர்த் (tamil) or సిద్ధార్థ్ (telgu) ....well Siddharth is sanskrit word that is made up of two words सिद्ध (having found out) and अर्थ (the definition) thus Siddharth means somebody who has discovered all the meanings of this world.
Some people also spell Siddharth as Siddhartha...
Well interestingly Siddharth was also the name of Lord Buddha.....the founder of Buddhism.
I must add that until a few years ago Siddharth used to be a rare name i.e. one did not come across a lot of people named Siddharth but now I regularly meet people who are my namesakes....probably it is because people named Siddharth are uber cool.....hehe.. sorry for the bad joke!!
Anyways....A Name is a Name is a Name..... with due apologies to Mr. Shakespear and all of those to support him on this!!!
anyways take care and god bless!!
Zafar's last poem
Most of us would have heard about the first war of india's independence....at the very forefront of this momentous war was the last mugahl emperor- Bhadur Shah Zafar (बहादुर शाह ' ज़फर') । In fact zafar was the king's sobriquet, for he was an accomplished poet
. I have also uploaded Zafar's photo ( towards your right).
The indians lost the war and most of the rebels ( that's exactly what the britons called them!!!) were executed and the old and weak Bhadur Shah was deported to Rangoon (now called Yangon)।It is said that the king very dissapointed and his spirit- crushed when he was told that he would never be able to return to his beloved city of Delhi (दिल्ली) । It was then that he penned down a poem or a ghazal (ग़ज़ल).
The poem goes:
लगता नही जी मेरा उजड़े दयार में ,
किस की बनी है आलम -ऐ - पाएदार में।
कह दो इन हसरतों से कहीं जा बसें,
इतनी जगह कहाँ है दिल-ऐ-दागदार में।
उम्र-ऐ- दराज़ मांग के लिए थे चार दिन,
दो आरजू में कट गए , दो इंतज़ार में।
है कितना बदनसीब ज़फर दफ़न के लिए,
दो गज़ ज़मीं भी न मिली कु-ऐ-यार में।
I am also giving the english translation for those who do not understand hindustani.
The poem says:
My heart is not happy, In this barren land
Who has has ever fulfilled his desires in this temporary world.
Please tell my emotions to go somewhere else,
for there is not enough space in my sad heart.
I had requested a long life- a life of four days,
two were spent in praying and two in waiting.
How unlucky Zafar is,
because he can't even get two yards of earth for his burial in his beloved nation.
Friends please note that Zafar is buried in Yangon. However I am not very sure if this tomb has withstood cyclone nargis that has claimed several lives and killed thousands in Burma.
Anyways...till the next time take good care of yourself and may god bless you all!!!!

The indians lost the war and most of the rebels ( that's exactly what the britons called them!!!) were executed and the old and weak Bhadur Shah was deported to Rangoon (now called Yangon)।It is said that the king very dissapointed and his spirit- crushed when he was told that he would never be able to return to his beloved city of Delhi (दिल्ली) । It was then that he penned down a poem or a ghazal (ग़ज़ल).
The poem goes:
लगता नही जी मेरा उजड़े दयार में ,
किस की बनी है आलम -ऐ - पाएदार में।
कह दो इन हसरतों से कहीं जा बसें,
इतनी जगह कहाँ है दिल-ऐ-दागदार में।
उम्र-ऐ- दराज़ मांग के लिए थे चार दिन,
दो आरजू में कट गए , दो इंतज़ार में।
है कितना बदनसीब ज़फर दफ़न के लिए,
दो गज़ ज़मीं भी न मिली कु-ऐ-यार में।
I am also giving the english translation for those who do not understand hindustani.
The poem says:
My heart is not happy, In this barren land
Who has has ever fulfilled his desires in this temporary world.
Please tell my emotions to go somewhere else,
for there is not enough space in my sad heart.
I had requested a long life- a life of four days,
two were spent in praying and two in waiting.
How unlucky Zafar is,
because he can't even get two yards of earth for his burial in his beloved nation.
Friends please note that Zafar is buried in Yangon. However I am not very sure if this tomb has withstood cyclone nargis that has claimed several lives and killed thousands in Burma.
Anyways...till the next time take good care of yourself and may god bless you all!!!!
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