Monday, May 26, 2008

The Art of War....

Life is nothing but a war...a war to survive, a war to succeed, a war to be noticed....every aspect of our life is nothing but day in the battle ground....of course there are days of intense fighting...interspersed with days that witness a lull....or even sporadic ceasefires....but that's
all part of the war nevertheless....I thought sharing the famous book the art of war written atleast 2000 years before by a chinese general Sun Tzu....would be nice....

I hope you have heard about the book it is so popular...and so very nice....I thought I will go quote by quote...and small paragraphs on each ...that is as much as I can understand and make sense of them....In fact the relevance of these quotes can be gauged by the fact that army's of several countries....still refer to this fact I would also recommend this book to those unfortunate souls who are doing their MBA....b'coz it might be very helpful in making strategies to tackle the problems that we as future managers....might face at our about responsibility!!!

if you want to read the whole book ...i am sure it would be easily available at a book store near you...and it is not so expensive either...but I would personally recommend the net if you want to just go through could also refer to a blog called for expert lets start.....I meant from te next post onwards...

so till then
take care and be safe....

Siddharth Tewari

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